Developing Market Linkage in Mayukwayukwa
June 15, 2020 Completed projects

Developing Market Linkage in Mayukwayukwa

Full Name: Developing Market Linkage in Mayukwayukwa through Establishment of Bulking and Processing Centre 

Duration: August 2015-July 2017

More than 1400 households of former Angolan refugees in Mayukwayukwa are currently in the process of Local Integration when together with their Zambian host communities they are acquiring plots for agriculture production in Mayukwayukwa Resettlement Area adjacent to the Mayukwayukwa Refugee Settlement. Despite losing their refugee status, they still remain persons of concern and Government of Zambia and UNHCR together with Implementing Partners are striving to make their first steps into self-reliance steady through development of infrastructure and support of livelihoods. However, the needs of a remote underdeveloped area are enormous and resources are far below matching.All the persons of concern are either fully or partially dependant on their agriculture production. Harvested crops are mostly sold directly without any value addition on the local market or traded individually to district and provincial town with extremely high transaction costs due to the remoteness of the area and lack of transport. Small quantities do not allow the farmers to access better markets and more favourable prices for their production. The project area provides suitable environment for bee-keeping, however the production is not organized nor processed and usually traded in the local market only. Current honey producers in Mayukwayukwa complain of lack of processing infrastructure, which forces their honey to sell well below market prices. The existing farmer cooperatives lack business and management skills that would enable them to actively organize production and seek markets on bigger scale. 


U.S. Embassy in Zambia