Donors and Partners
Caritas Czech Republic has a long-term cooperation with a number of important donors. Because of this, we can implement humanitarian and development programs in the chosen countries. Which organizations are involved and how do they participate in our projects?
Czech Development Agency (CzechAid)
Since Zambia Country Office was established in 2013, the Czech Development Agency has been one of the main donors and thanks to the long-lasting relationship with CzechAid, we have been able to implement several projects aimed at supporting medium scale farmers and enhancing food production and security.
Through the support of CzechAid, CCR has been working with farmers and cooperatives in Western and Central Provinces of Zambia under the Agribusiness for LIFE project, with the aim of building their capacity, develop value chains and facilitate market linkages and access to financial services.
In 2019 and 2020, CCR had the opportunity to enhance the already existing interventions under UNHCR and World Food Program by securing additional funds from Czech Aid.
In 2020, Czech Aid funded a multi-sectoral intervention meant to prevent and mitigate effects of Corona Virus Pandemic in Western and Lusaka Provinces of Zambia by supporting the establishment of a Consortium of three organizations, led by CCR.
UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
Since 2014, CCR is Implementing Partner of UNHCR for Livelihood. The project, Enhancing the well-being and self-reliance of Refugees and their Host Communities in Lusaka and Mantapala, and the Meheba and Mayukwayukwa Settlement, has been greatly impacting refugees and hosting communities by promoting self-reliance of refugees and host communities, improving livelihoods opportunities, facilitate access to market and support primary and tertiary education for refugees.
FSDZ (Financial Sector Deepening Zambia)
Financial Sector Deepening Zambia (FSDZ) cooperates with Caritas Czech Republic in Zambia since 2018. Through the implementation of the Financial Inclusion through Traditional Leadership (FIT) project, CCR and FSDZ promote innovative use of cash grants and savings groups that enable communities to overcome the difficulties of inactive labour markets and complicated banking systems.
FSDZ subsidies covered up to 92 % of the total project budget.
World Food Programme (WFP)
Since 2019, CCR has been implementing the “Promoting the Production and Consumption of Nutritious Foods Project” funded by the World Food through the Integrated Multi-Sectoral Approach in Mongu, Kaoma and Mumbwa Provinces of Zambia.
The WFP grant is as much as 100% of the total project budget. This project seeks to support diversified agriculture, increase production, improve access to agricultural markets and post-harvest management.
RefugePoint partners with us since 2019, on the Lusaka Urban Refugees Project – Livelihoods Program Support. This project focused on improving education, capacity building, financial literacy and promote self-reliance of refugees.
Their subsidies covered the total project budget, i. e. 100%.
Good Neighbours
The Market Area Development at Mantapala Refugee Settlement Project seeks to build infrastructure in the Mantapala refugee camp.
This project includes the construction of a market where locals can buy and sell vegetables, fruits, and other products, as well as other inedible goods. Other small services such as tailoring, repairs and more, are also available.
Good Neighbours subsidies covered the entire 100% of the total project budget.